Bank on Yourself During Retirement

March 13th, 2015 → 9:00 am @ // No Comments

If you have heard anything about retirement this past year it is most likely related to what many are calling the Retirement Crisis. And we don’t disagree. According to a survey by conducted in August, more than one-third of Americans have not saved enough money for retirement with individuals between the ages of 50 to 64 leading the pack.  Those Baby Boomers are about to hear a big BOOM when it comes to for them to retire, and it is not going to be a celebratory explosion.

Not only are individuals not saving enough money now, the money that they are saving runs the risk of relying much too heavily on the stock market. For those individuals who were retiring right on the cusp of the last Great Recession, many saw a loss in their portfolios of almost 25% due to a big portion of their assets being held in equities and mutual funds.

And that’s where the Bank on Yourself system can literally save your life.

There is no sure-fire way to predict the next big market crash and depending on what stage of life you are in, retirement may be farther away than you care to think about. But let me tell you why you should be. Even if you have saved enough for retirement but entrusted it to the banks and the markets, should everything spin into a free fall as you get set to retire, you are out of luck AND money.

The Bank on Yourself system completely eliminates the need for a banker and not only that it provides you with cash readily available from the minute you purchase your whole life insurance! What mutual funds will do that?

Whether you are just starting out in your career or already planning your retirement party, consider how you want to spend your retirement years—scraping by and going back to work or living the life of leisure you always dreamed of? When you look at it that way, it doesn’t seem like a hard choice at all. Save and spend today by finding the right Bank on Yourself advisor and getting informed so you can save and spend tomorrow. Win, win!




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